The Courage to Change the Things We Can

“The Courage to change the things we can” means the courage to make mistakes Spiritual Reference is one of the most important blessings in life. Spiritual Reference is what develops as we face a particular challenge and succeed. A sense of confidence which grows as we find out that we can make it, that we have the skills and support needed to thrive. As success builds on success, a feeling of self-esteem starts to take root. We suddenly have a willingness, and even excitement, to reach out for help, to practice skills and to engage whatever comes our way. But then something comes that we haven’t faced before. We have skills but we aren’t sure which ones to use, or how to utilize them. Those we rely on maybe don’t have experience or expertise in this area. We are left in uncharted territory. Thats where Courage comes in. The courage to try even when we aren’t sure how it will work out. The courage to try even though we know we may falter or struggle. The courage to do it wrong enough times so that we can learn to do it right. Right now we are all lacking Spiritual Reference. We are gonna do some stuff well and some stuff less then well. All we can do is jump in, try some new things and try some old things in new ways. Maybe, just maybe, there is an abundance of growth for all of us just over the ridge. Maybe this situation, and our place in it, is exactly the way it’s supposed to be. As G-d commanded Joshua when the Jewish People were poised to enter the the promised land - Chazak Ve’Amatz - Be Strong and Courageous. Strong in suppressing the negativity of resistance to something new or trying agin when it doesn’t work out as well as we hoped, and Courageous in doing things the best way we can and know how.